
Eating “Plant-Based” when you’re not a Vegan or Vegetarian.

Recently, my husband and I have decided to try a  new diet “lifestyle.”  We have been hearing (aka watching Netflix documentaries) about “Plant-Based Diets.”  We are NOT vegan, and NOT vegetarian, but we are down for a new diet change.  Before you ask, no, I’m not giving up cheese, or any form of dairy- sorry cows.  I eat relatively healthy anyway, but this is a good way to up my veggie intake.  Does anyone really like Kale plain? Didn’t think so.

I have been reading article/blog/Pinterest board after another researching my recent interest of plant-based diets.  All I could find online, seemed to be vegan style or tofu, and some form of processed foods.  Not really up my ally or what I was looking for.  I wanted to find recipes that weren’t too extreme and were more than just a salad… not that I don’t love salads.  You’ll probably see some soon.

I had been thinking for awhile that I wanted a creative outlet to fuel my passions.  A little FYI for ya, I am completely obsessed with home decor, simple living, tiny houses, attempts at minimalism (hello KonMari), eating healthy, photography, traveling and most importantly my faith.  I wanted a place to combine all my passions and interests into one spot *dun da duhhhhh* …..drumroll…… a blog.

The thing is …everyone has a blog.  There are thousands and thousands, and I know, I know…what can I say that hasn’t been said? Well, who cares?  I’m letting my hair down, tossing caution to the window, throwing myself in the lot, and diving head first into the blogosphere.  Is that a thing?

So for my first post, and day 2 of eating my version of a plant-based diet, I have decided to post about my new favorite smoothies.  A berry smoothie and a mango smoothie.  Both packed with healthful antioxidants and nutrients to make your skin glow!  Super easy to make, in our not fancy NutriBullet, and DELICIOUS.  Plus how pretty our my flowers?! Thanks Farmer’s Market.

The mango smoothie recipe (also can be used as a face mask *woot woot*) can be found at and the berry smoothie recipe can be found at

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